"Cryo-nanoscale chromosome imaging-future prospects" by Mohammad Yusuf, Safana Farooq et al.

Cryo-nanoscale chromosome imaging-future prospects

Document Type



Centre for Regenerative Medicine; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


The high-order structure of mitotic chromosomes remains to be fully elucidated. How nucleosomes compact at various structural levels into a condensed mitotic chromosome is unclear. Cryogenic preservation and imaging have been applied for over three decades, keeping biological structures close to the native in vivo state. Despite being extensively utilized, this field is still wide open for mitotic chromosome research. In this review, we focus specifically on cryogenic efforts for determining the mitotic nanoscale chromatin structures. We describe vitrification methods, current status, and applications of advanced cryo-microscopy including future tools required for resolving the native architecture of these fascinating structures that hold the instructions to life.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Biophysical Reviews
