Organize or die: Exploring the political and organizational activities
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This is a book of its kind for political and organizational activities of workers’ unionization.The conceptual framework review will reveal whether teachers unions are organizations imbued with political activities. Definitions of an organization, a teacher union and other related nomenclature would be highlighted. Being teacher organization and being organizational imply that there are certain commonalities in what is a teacher union is as compared to the definition of an organization from organization studies. After seeing what has happened to the teacher organizations in Africa, certain categories of ideas will emerge from the study, which will be a foundation for more scholarly work. It is believed that by interacting with textual material in the literature review, the subject matter will fold and unfold and come out with a body of knowledge about teacher unions as an input to organizations studies. I hope the book will open up a dialogue for policy makers, scholars and politicians to give proper weight to the concerns of teacher unions in the worldview of knowledge. More written material, might come out in relation to teacher unions from other organization studies.
Publication Information
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Trade unions, teachers unions, organizational models
Recommended Citation
Saronga, F.
, Swai, S.
(2017). Organize or die: Exploring the political and organizational activities, p. 360.
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