"Heat transfer characterization under radial jet and falling film induc" by Manasi Kumar and D Mukhopadhyay

Heat transfer characterization under radial jet and falling film induced rewetting

Manasi Kumar, Aga Khan University
D Mukhopadhyay

This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.


Abstract: Empirical correlations are developed for rewetting velocity and maximum heat transfer coefficient during rewetting phase of single hot vertical Fuel Pin Simulator (FPS) by using radial jet impingement and falling film. Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) has been designed for Advance Heavy water Reactor (AHWR) to rewet the hot fuel pin under the loss of coolant accident. Coolant injection takes place from a water rod which is located at the center of the fuel bundle in form of jets to rewet hot surface of fuel pin under loss of coolant accident. This kind of design to reflood the fuel bundle is different than bottom and top spray reflooding practiced in PWR and BWR type of nuclear reactors. There are two different kinds of rewetting found during radial jet induced cooling. The first one is due to radial jet impingement and the second one is due to falling film which is below the jet impingement point. Rewetting velocity has been predicted along the length of fuel pin due to radial jet impingement cooling. Temperature of FPS has been varied from 400°C to 700°C with help of different powers supply, simulating decay heat of reactor. A variation of coolant radial jet mass flow rate is from 0.5 lpm to 1.8 lpm. It is considered during ECCS injection. It has been observed from the experiments that rewetting velocity decreases with increasing the clad surface temperature and increases with increasing the coolant mass flow rate. The rewetting velocity in falling film is found to be nearly 1.8 times higher than rewetting velocity predicted in circumferential direction. Further, it is found that maximum heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing the radial jet coolant mass flow rate. The maximum heat transfer coefficient in case of radial jet impingement is found to be nearly 1.5 times the falling film rewetting. Developed correlation predicts the maximum heat transfer coefficient with experimental data well within the error band of ±10%.