"Exploring and comparing classroom practices of CBMP trained and non tr" by Mushtaq Ahmed Ansari

Exploring and comparing classroom practices of CBMP trained and non trained primary school English language teachers of Sindh

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Professional Development Centre, Karachi


Developing quality English language teachers (EL T) at primary level has been a longstanding issue in Pakistan. Despite acknowledging this problem at policy and administrative levels, very little efforts have been made to improve the situation. In such a scenario, AKU-lED's STEP project initiated Cluster Based Mentoring Programme (CBMP) to provide continuous professional development to the selected in-service primary school teachers in 10 districts of Sindh and Balochistan. Through the CBMP first 130 mentors were developed through a customized diploma programme. The Mentors later developed a large number of teachers (Mentees) in their districts through rigorous trainings and follow-ups. The CBMP continued for five years and culminated in 2014. This research used mixed method and to explore the impact of CBMP training on the classroom practices of Mentee ELTs and compare their practices with a controlled group of teachers from the similar context who did not participate in the CBMP. The study was carried out in the three districts of Sindh where 40 Mentees' and 40 Non-Mentees' ELT lessons were observed. The quantitative data was collected by administering 'Classroom Observation Scale' while the qualitative findings were recorded as running notes, reflections and unstructured interviews. Non-Parametric Statistical test revealed that classroom practices of the Mentees are significantly better than the practices of Non-Men tees. However, the practices of Mentees yet remained in the category of mediocre practices. The performance of Non-Mentee were found to be weak compared with mentee teachers. Moreover, the findings also suggest that generally, English language is taught through old Grammar Translation Method and rote learning strategies. Further, teachers do not teach English language as skill or means of communication. The listening and speaking skills are also ignored. The research found that CBMP has been effective because it not only focused to improve the content or pedagogy knowledge but also helped teacher develop attitude, skills and relations. The study recommends creating the proper and continuous opportunities of in-service training for teachers in general and particular for ELTs.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
