"Exploring grade 10 students' English reading comprehension performance" by Attaullah

Exploring grade 10 students' English reading comprehension performance in Gilgit city : Comparison across gender, school system and parental qualification

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Professional Development Centre, Karachi


Comprehension is the basic purpose of reading. The present study intends to explore the English reading comprehension proficiency of grade 10 students of Gilgit city specifically in terms of comparisons across gender, school system and parental qualification. The reading comprehension test developed by Arellano (2013) was adapted for the study in order to measure students’ level of comprehension. The test consisted of twenty-six items followed by four domains of reading comprehension – getting general information, getting specific information, understanding textual structure and deducing meaning from context. The overall reliability of the tool was 0.88. The test was administered to a stratified random sample of 181 secondary school students enrolled for the academic year of 2014 to 2015. The selected sample consisted of male (n=103) and female (n=78) students from private (n=4) and public (n=4) schools, respectively. Inferential analysis was carried out to determine the statistical level of difference between the groups and the hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance. On the whole, students’ level of attainment in the comprehension test was (M= 26.10%). Moreover, the study found (both on overall English reading comprehension as well as at subscale level) a significant level of difference across gender, school system and parental qualification. Girls, private school students and children of educated parents performed relatively better in English reading comprehension than each of their counterparts, respectively.

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