"Teaching science through songs and poems : An action research in early" by Zahra Virani

Teaching science through songs and poems : An action research in early primary classroom in Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Professional Development Centre, Karachi


This paper presents a small-scale collaborative action research in which songs and poems were used to teach science to a grade two class in a non-profit school system in Karachi, Pakistan. The participants were two teachers and three children. The main research question was how do we reconceptualise science lessons to integrate songs and poems as a pedagogy to enhance Class 2 children's learning at a private school in Karachi? This study was conducted over 23 weeks in three cycles. In the reconnaissance period, science classes were observed and teacher interviews were taken. In Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, researcher and class teachers planned and taught six science lessons using this pedagogy. Data was collected through observations, interviews of teachers and children and collaborative reflections between the researcher and the teachers. Samples of children's work were collected and a reflective journal was maintained by the researcher. During the reconnaissance period it emerged that teachers made very little use of songs and poems to teach and teaching methods were mainly teacher centered. As the research unfolded during the intervention cycles, teachers knowledge, skills and attitudes transformed. They became increasingly more independent in using songs and poems to teach their science lessons. Their content knowledge, motivation and confidence levels grew. Children's learning was enhanced through better retention of science vocabulary, more enjoyment in science classes, transformational learning (reaching the creativity level of Bloom's taxonomy) and an increase in their motivation and confidence. This study raises important implications for teaching early primary science using songs and poems. These include issues of sustainability and teacher's training, mainstreaming this pedagogy and creating policies and programs to align with the National Curriculum.

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