"Focusing on the positive core : Using appreciative inquiry for develop" by Muhammad Kamal

Focusing on the positive core : Using appreciative inquiry for developing leadership in school organization

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Professional Development Centre, Karachi


This study focused on developing leadership in a public sector school in district Ghanche, Gilgit-Baltistan, in Pakistan. The purpose of the research was to help the leader in identifying and capitalizing his strengths for the improvement of teaching learning process at the school. Therefore, primary research participant in the study was the school head teacher. The study was carried out under qualitative research paradigm which employed Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as a method of research. AI is deep rooted in the philosophy that every organization and individual possesses some strengths. The process (AI) proceeded through the five developmental phases i-e defining, discovery, dreaming, designing and delivery. In these phases the data generation tools utilized were appreciative interviews, observations, feedback sessions, reflections and reflective dialogues. Data revealed that the discovered affirmative cores were teaching as his passion, future of students as the most important thing in his life and love for improving the teaching learning process at the school. The head teacher was engaged to envision the future of the school that he shared was to improve the quality of education. For the achievement of the envisioned goal the mutually decided strategy was structured class observations followed by feedback sessions and reflective dialogues for further improving the process. Findings revealed that the process was helpful in developing the school leader and improving the teaching learning process. The development of the school leader was evidenced through his changed perception and behavior and also the improved coaching skills in providing more positive feedbacks. The improvement in teaching and learning was witnessed through the improved academic performance of students.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
