The principal as a facilitator of school-based professional development of teachers: A case study of a private school in Karachi, Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of principal's facilitation of school-based professional development of teachers at Whitestone School in Karachi. This study was guided by the qualitative research design. Data were collected in a private school, in which school-based professional development existed. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, audio-taped, and transcribed. Findings from this study showed that some strategies of school-based professional development as mentoring, coaching, teacher performance appraisal, micro-teaching, conducting workshop, and observation existed at Whitestone School. Based on the findings, several ideas have been discussed. Principal, heads of departments, and teachers defined the professional development as an ongoing process, and school-based professional development as one of the most effective way for developing teaching and learning. Research participants believe that school-based professional development should start from need identification of teachers. It is a tool which helps in identifying the teachers' learning needs and suggests relevant educational courses or activities to the employees to improve their work productivity. Research participants generally noted that quality professional learning and concrete changes only happen in the school, which has strong facilitation towards the principal, heads of departments, and senior teachers. Although they consider that the focus of control of professional development may change from imposition by others to allowing teacher the ownership of professional development. A dissemination of good practices should be done through sharing and developing within the school an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect among teaching staff. Close partnership between colleagues is an important factor to establish collaboration and trust between individuals in the school Implications for school, principal and research have also been discussed. The workload of the principal can be reduced if the position of a vice-principal is introduced in the school to complement the work of the principal. The Principal should provide the time for heads of departments and teachers to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to do their jobs for meeting the new quality of schooling. Moreover, the principal should be trained as a mentor, a coach for better facilitation of school-based professional development of teachers in the school.

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