Document Type



Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery


In literature various cases have been described where foreign bodies ingested were lodged in the upper aero digestive tract, but only few of these foreign bodies perforate the oesophagus and an even fewer migrate extraluminally.1 If untreated, they may result in life threatening suppurative or vascular complications. Exploration of the neck via an external approach to remove the foreign body is the recommended treatment. The CT scan utilizing fine cuts is invaluable in localizing the foreign body for exploration. Oesophageal penetration and migration of oesophageal foreign bodies into the thyroid gland is extremely rare with only occasional case reports appearing in the medical literature over the years. We report an unusual case of an ingested foreign body that perforated the esophagus and penetrated the thyroid gland. A neck exploration was required to remove the foreign body.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Ayub Medical College
