Document Type



Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This paper tries to discuss two important issues. First, it examines the conflict between ideology and actual urban planning in Tanzania. It is argued that via the Arusha-Declaration,Tanzania showed the intention of building an egalitarian society based on the principles of Ujamaa (socialism), hence one expected that an attempt to transform some colonial structures in order to suit the socialist aspiring nation could be in the agenda in Tanzania. This has never been the case at the level of urban planning. The paper argues that the gap between theory and practice exists because Tanzania's socialist theory itself is weak, and does not emanate from a concrete class analysis of the society itself.

Secondly, the paper examines the fragmentation of urban planning in Tanzania. Some legal provisions are contradicting as to who should be responsible for what in urban planning. This contradiction has created problems and conflicts between various organs responsible in urban planning. In all cases it is the majority urban poor who are suffering. The paper suggests that the urban planning in socialist aspiring countries must be unified, coordinated and part and parcel of the overall national development plan. Such move must be implemented in Tanzania.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Publication (Name of Journal)

African Study Monographs
