"Currents and eddies in the discourse of assessment: a learning-focused" by Pauline Rea-Dickins

Document Type



Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This article explores processes of classroom assessment, in particular ways in which learners using English as an additional language engage in formative assessment within a primary school setting. Transcript evidence of teacher and learner interactions during activities viewed by teachers as formative or summative assessment opportunities are presented as the basis for an analysis of teacher feedback, learner responses to this feedback, as well as learner-initiated talk. The analyses suggest that there are different teacher orientations within assessment and highlight the potential that assessment dialogues might offer for assessment as a resource for language learning, thus situating this work at the interface between assessment and second language acquisition. The article also questions the extent to which learners are aware of the different assessment purposes embedded within instruction.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Publication (Name of Journal)

International Journal of Applied Linguistics
