Document Type

Case Report


Internal Medicine (East Africa)


The pharyngeal-cervical-brachial (PCB) variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is very rare. It is characterized by weakness of the upper extremities associated with bulbar symptoms and facial diplegia. Documented cases were post-infectious, a post-vaccination occurrence has not been documented in the available literature. Even rarer is the occurrence of any variant of GBS following the mumps measles rubella (MMR) vaccine. The neurophysiological hallmark of PCB variant of GBS is a combination of myelinopathy and axonopathy, hence, its consideration as a subtype of the acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) variant. It should be suspected in any case of acute-onset flaccid symmetrical weakness of the upper extremities, as early diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing fatal bulbar weakness. Here we report a case of a middle-aged man, who presented with features of PCB a fortnight after being vaccinated for MMR.

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