Social Change and Health in Tanzania

Social Change and Health in Tanzania



Africa is experiencing dramatic processes of social change, with evident consequences for health. This collection of papers examines the impacts of modern developments on health in Tanzania with a view to establishing patterns at a continental level. The contributors consider how social change is impacting on young people's health, HIV/AIDS and mental health. It further considers the implications of poverty and social inequalities for health, concluding that the poorest suffer the adverse health effects of social change disproportionately; and that the effects of globalisation, if unchecked left, herald severe consequences for the health of poor countries.

Table of Contents

Youth and Development in Tanzania; Youth Mobility and Unprotected Sex as Key Factors in the Spread of the AIDS Virus in Tanzania; Contextual Aspects in Relation to Reproductive Health Information Among School Youth in the Rombo District, Tanzania; Street Children and Street Life in Urban Tanzania; The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Women and Children; HIV/ AIDS in Tanzania: the Status of the Epidemic and National Responses; Depressive Illness and Primary Health Care in Sun-Saharan Africa; the Challenges of Psychiatry Amidst Economic Deprivation and Social Change in Dar es Salaam; Development of Mental Health Services in Tanzania; the Nature of Para-suicide in Dar es Salaam; the Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies on Women's and Children's Health in Tanzania; Women, Poverty and AIDS in Africa; 'A Return to Arusha': Stuctural Adjustment, Indeed! Violence, Globalisation, Health and Human Rights.

Publication Information

Dar es Salaam University Press, Dar es Salaam, 2005




Social change, youth health, impacts of globalization


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Social Change and Health in Tanzania
