"Assessment of Dementia Caregiver Burden in Karachi, Pakistan using 10/" by Qurat ul ain Khan

Document Type

Original Article


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Care arrangements and caregiver burden of people with dementia (PWD) are different in low and middle income countries (LMICs) than in developed countries. This is the first study in Pakistan assessing caregiver burden using the 10/66 protocol. METHOD: PWD were recruited from outpatient clinics and from the community in Karachi and were diagnosed according to DSM-IV TR. Three scales were used: 1. Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) to assess caregiver burden. 2. Caregiver Activity Survey (CAS) to assess activities that the caregiver engaged in the last 24 hours to care for PWD and 3. General Health Questionnaire- 12 (GHQ 12) to assess caregiver emotional distress. The scales were translated, back translated, and tested for conceptual validity in Urdu. The data was entered using EPIDATA and was assessed using SPSS version 22.0. Ethical approval was obtained from institutional review board of Aga Khan University, Karachi.

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