"Histiocyt ic sarcoma of the flax cerebri with Distant metastasis" by Ateeque Ahmed Khan and Mahnoor Hafeez

Document Type

Case Report


Histiocytic Sarcoma is an extremely rare CNS tumor and to the best of authors' knowledge, the extra-axial CNS histiocytic Sarcoma involving FalxCerebriin the humans has not been described earlier in the literature.We report an unusual case of22 year old male who presented to the Civil Hospital with symptoms of chronic headache and bilateral lower limb weakness. His MRI Brain showed an aggressive heterogeneously enhancing extraaxialfalxtumor with trans-calvarial invasion seen on interim CT scan and demonstration of distant metastases after resection and craniectomy. The immune-histochemical analysis was strongly positive CD68 and S-100 signifying Histiocytic Sarcoma.

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Neurology Commons
