Globalization and early childhood education: Urban families perceptions
This study attempted to explore the belief patterns and opinions of families of young children in the context of globalization and its role in the provision of education. The paper’s particular focus was to argue how urban families perceive and practice globalization for their children’s education. Additionally, it briefly reviewed the school of thought (i.e. Modern or Traditional) sample families belong to. The research focuses on the narrative paradigm with a mixed methodical design through which quantitative and qualitative perspectives can be sought. A total sample of 104 family members was taken to carry out a quantitative survey and a sample of 12 family members was chosen to carry out focus grouped discussions to supplement through qualitative insights. A customized quantitative survey and focus group interview guide was designed for data collection. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were applied to analyze quantitative data sets and thematic analysis was done for the qualitative data sets. The findings of the research demonstrated that most of the families were prone towards globalization and widely practice its implication in the education of their young children.