The rare association of diastematomyelia with lipomyelocele and dorsal dermal sinus - Case report and literatue review

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We report the MRI dorsolumbar spine of 10-year child who was referred to the Civil Hospital in June 2016 with symptoms of backache for last one month and birth history of congenital discharging sinus. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of his spine revealed type A diastematomyelia, multilevel vertebral segmentation anomalies, anterior and posterior spina bifida and tethered cord, along with dorsal dermal sinus and lipomyelocele. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the investigation of choice for diagnosing occult spinal dysraphisms1. We present the rare case of triple occult spinal dysraphic anomaly of different embryological origin in a single patient.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Pakistan Journal of Radiology
