Document Type



Community Health Sciences; Family Medicine


BACKGROUND: Life style is known to influence health and may be responsible for certain diseases. There is a need to document the life style on health among the Pakistani population.
METHODS: The study was conducted on patients visiting the Family Practice Center, the Aga Khan University, Karachi. A questionnaire was used to collect information on the demographic profile, and the life style on health. The ethical requirements for conducting the study were met.
RESULTS: 393 patients were surveyed. The majority were young married men, in either private or government service. Preference for consumption of fats/oils, sweets, spicy foods, salt, fruits/vegetables, tea, coffee, cola drinks and alcohol was found among 103 (26%), 84 (22%), 86 (22%), 110 (28%), 239 (61%), 319 (81%), 117 (30%), 253 (64%) and 13 (03%) respondents respectively. Hand washing after defecation, before eating food and after work was seen among 341 (87%), 296 (75%) and 256 (65%) respondents respectively. Brushing of teeth after eating food, before breakfast and bedtime was seen in 56 (14%), 346 (88%) and 176 (45%) respondents respectively. Preventive dental check-up was practiced by 102 (26%) of the respondents. Sleep of less than 6 hours per day among 74 (19%), water consumption of less than 1 liter daily among 84 (21%) and fish consumption on once a week basis among 173 (44%) respondents was found. Tobacco and betel nuts use was found among 69 (17%) and 79 (20%) respondents.
CONCLUSIONS: We have documented a clear need to raise public awareness on the issue of life style on health. There is a need and we strongly recommend debate and further research, along with interventional strategies in line with the available evidence on healthy life style.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Ayub Medical College
