Document Type



Anaesthesia; Surgery


Introduction: Trauma is the fourth leading cause of death globally and constitutes a huge burden on limited critical care resources. Aim This study aimed to identify the trauma patient burden in terms of resources used in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) of Aga Khan University Hospital in Pakistan which also included characteristics and outcomes of trauma and non-trauma patients.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patient data for adult patients (>16 years old) admitted to the SICU from July through December 2014.
Results: Of 141 SICU cases included in our study period, 32 (22.7%) trauma patients were identified. On further stratification of trauma patients, road traffic injuries (43.8%), gunshot injuries (43.8%), and blast injuries (6.3%) were the most common, and about 73% of all trauma patients underwent emergency surgical interventions, comprising a huge burden on all resources. The average age of the trauma patients was significantly lower than non-trauma patients (36 years ± 13 vs. 49 years ± 19; p < 0.01). The male-to-female ratio was 7:1 in trauma cases and 2:1 in non-trauma cases (p = 0.019). There was no statistically significant difference in mortality (31.3% vs. 42.2% p > 0.05) and median length of stay [Median (interquartile range), 5(8) vs. 4(7); p > 0.05] between trauma and non-trauma patients.
Conclusions: Trauma constitutes a significant burden in terms of resources used for the SICU of the Aga Khan University, Pakistan. Trauma victims are predominantly young men in whom gunshot injuries are as common as road traffic injuries. Emergency surgical interventions comprise the largest draw on resources, followed by use of blood products, radiological, and laboratory investigations.


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