Document Type



School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan


Acute renal failure refers to sudden deterioration in biochemical and physiological functioning of kidneys and often associated with multi organ failure. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) holds special significance for the treatment of renal failure due to a variety of factors. It is believed that CRRT helps in restoration of acid-base imbalances and electrolyte abnormalities. Along with that, with gradual solute removal, it ensures haemodynamic stability and prevents the risk of cerebral oedema in neurosurgery patients. Besides this, several studies have supported that CRRT enables practitioners to adjust drug dosages and prevent drug accumulation and overdose. In addition, gradual removal of solutes and metabolic waste products helps to clear inflammatory mediators and ensure adequate nutrition for patients and lead to improved renal recovery. Therefore, this article will discuss the different treatment modalities that encompass CRRT and explore the indications and advantages of CRRT in acute renal failure.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
