Document Type



Pulmonary and Critical Care


An important cause of pulmonary oedema is Negative Pressure Pulmonary Oedema (NPPE) which characteristically develops soon after extubation from an endo-tracheal intubation. In this case report we identified a case of previously healthy man who was intubated for General Anaesthesia for extraction of impacted molar tooth. Soon after extubation he developed severe respiratory distress. Immediate diagnosis of NPPE secondary to post extubation laryngospasm was made. He was promptly treated with 100 percent oxygen via CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask and within an hour he markedly improved and subsequently became asymptomatic. NPPE is an important cause of morbidity and need for ICU admission in a healthy individual.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
