"Journalistic self-regulation in Australia: is it ready for the informa" by Rhonda Breit

Document Type



Graduate School of Media and Communications


This article examines the system of journalistic accountability in Australia, evaluating its capacity to promote `the highest ethical and professional standards' seen as fundamental to achieving the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) vision for an inclusive information society. First, it outlines the approach to media and journalistic accountability adopted in Australia. It then analyses a representative sample of journalism codes of ethics and codes of practice, classifying them according to their approaches to self-regulation, the key characteristics of the codes and the approaches to dispute resolution adopted. The findings of this analysis are then compared with best practice in self-regulation criteria distilled from the Taskforce on Industry Self-Regulation to identify potential problems with the current scheme of journalistic self-regulation. These criteria are then critiqued, identifying a range of problems in relation to the scheme's capacity to promote information society objectives as articulated by the WSIS in relation to the role of traditional and new media.


This work was published before the author joined Aga Khan University.

Publication (Name of Journal)

International Communication Gazette
