eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Impact of pediatric emergency care workshops in improving knowledge: sharing experience from Peshawar, Kabul and Lahore

Impact of pediatric emergency care workshops in improving knowledge: sharing experience from Peshawar, Kabul and Lahore


Auditorium Pond Side

Start Date

26-2-2014 10:30 AM


Introduction: Pediatric Emergency training is an emerging subspecialty nationally .Adequate

identification and management of critically ill and injured children have a positive impact in improving morbidity and mortality in children. To assess the impact of two days workshop in improving knowledge regarding Pediatric Emergency care at Kyber medical Institute Peshawar, Kabul and Children hospital Lahore . Methods: Two day workshop was conducted at KMU Peshawar and FMIC Kabul. The course comprised of didactic and case based sessions Resuscitation in children, identification and management of cardiac arrest and common Paediatric emergencies presenting to ED. There were skill stations regarding, CPR, defibrillation, neonatal resuscitation and intraosseous line insertion for the hands on learning. The Pretest and posttest was taken to assess the impact of course in improving knowledge. The participants also evaluate the workshop as a whole through written evaluation forms.

Result: Total participants in these entire workshops were 44 at KMU Peshawar, 32 at FMIC Kabul and 65 at CH Lahore respectively. The mean score in pretest was 28.4 percent (95% CI; 24-40) and in posttest the mean score was 73 percent (95% CI; 47- 61). The Wilcoxon signed rank test showed the difference in pre and posttest to be statistically significant. (p -value of <0.001).The overall workshop was evaluated as excellent by 47.46%and good by 52.63% of the participants. The weakness that was shared were shorter duration and infrequent occurrence of such workshops.

Conclusion: Short training workshops for pediatric emergency care has shown to improve the knowledge.

Keywords: Peadiatrics, Workshop, Emergency, Care

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Feb 26th, 10:30 AM

Impact of pediatric emergency care workshops in improving knowledge: sharing experience from Peshawar, Kabul and Lahore

Auditorium Pond Side

Introduction: Pediatric Emergency training is an emerging subspecialty nationally .Adequate

identification and management of critically ill and injured children have a positive impact in improving morbidity and mortality in children. To assess the impact of two days workshop in improving knowledge regarding Pediatric Emergency care at Kyber medical Institute Peshawar, Kabul and Children hospital Lahore . Methods: Two day workshop was conducted at KMU Peshawar and FMIC Kabul. The course comprised of didactic and case based sessions Resuscitation in children, identification and management of cardiac arrest and common Paediatric emergencies presenting to ED. There were skill stations regarding, CPR, defibrillation, neonatal resuscitation and intraosseous line insertion for the hands on learning. The Pretest and posttest was taken to assess the impact of course in improving knowledge. The participants also evaluate the workshop as a whole through written evaluation forms.

Result: Total participants in these entire workshops were 44 at KMU Peshawar, 32 at FMIC Kabul and 65 at CH Lahore respectively. The mean score in pretest was 28.4 percent (95% CI; 24-40) and in posttest the mean score was 73 percent (95% CI; 47- 61). The Wilcoxon signed rank test showed the difference in pre and posttest to be statistically significant. (p -value of <0.001).The overall workshop was evaluated as excellent by 47.46%and good by 52.63% of the participants. The weakness that was shared were shorter duration and infrequent occurrence of such workshops.

Conclusion: Short training workshops for pediatric emergency care has shown to improve the knowledge.

Keywords: Peadiatrics, Workshop, Emergency, Care