eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Hypertension in alone and in combination with other stroke risk factors is associated with increased incidence of in-hospital mortality

Hypertension in alone and in combination with other stroke risk factors is associated with increased incidence of in-hospital mortality


Auditorium Pond Side

Start Date

26-2-2014 10:30 AM


Objective: To determine the outcome of hypertension alone and in combination with additional risk factors in a hospitalized stroke patient.

Material & Methods: A retrospective analysis of 87 stroke patients who presented to Medical Unit-I of Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from January- March 2013. These patients were enrolled and the data was analyzed on SPSS version19 on which relevant details were noted and descriptive statistics like frequency mean and percentages were calculated. Overall frequency of isolated or multiple risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Smoking, Previous Stroke, and Ischemic Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Disease contributing to mortality was determined by age, gender and CT scan findings.

Results: Out of 87 patients, 65.5%(n=57) were discharged healthy and 34.5%(n=30) died during their hospital stay. The mean age of the group died was 62.4 years with a range of 28-90 years having 50%(n=15) males and 50%(n=15) females. Out of 30 deaths 40% (n=12) were having multiple co-morbidities like HTN, DM and IHD, 20%(n=6) were having HTN, DM and Smoking, 16.7%(n=5) with HTN and DM, 16.7%(n=5) with HTN and smoking and only 6.7%(n=2) with HTN. Of these patients, Intracerebral Hemorrhage 56.7%(n=17) and Cerebral Infarct 43.3%(n=13) were the CT scan findings. The patients reaching the hospital for more than 24 hours of symptoms onset were 62% (n=19), between 18-24 hours were 18%(n=5), between 12-18 hours were 10%(n=3), between 3-12 hours were 7%(n=2) and less than 3 hours were 3%(n=1)

Conclusion: Majority of old aged patients with multiple risk factors and arriving late to the tertiary care centre had high risk of In-Hospital mortality with Hypertension in alone as well as with other co-morbidities is the leading risk factor in stroke related deaths.

Keywords: HTN- Hypertension, IHD- Ischemic Heart Disease, DM- Diabetes Melitus, ICH- Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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Feb 26th, 10:30 AM

Hypertension in alone and in combination with other stroke risk factors is associated with increased incidence of in-hospital mortality

Auditorium Pond Side

Objective: To determine the outcome of hypertension alone and in combination with additional risk factors in a hospitalized stroke patient.

Material & Methods: A retrospective analysis of 87 stroke patients who presented to Medical Unit-I of Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from January- March 2013. These patients were enrolled and the data was analyzed on SPSS version19 on which relevant details were noted and descriptive statistics like frequency mean and percentages were calculated. Overall frequency of isolated or multiple risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Smoking, Previous Stroke, and Ischemic Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Disease contributing to mortality was determined by age, gender and CT scan findings.

Results: Out of 87 patients, 65.5%(n=57) were discharged healthy and 34.5%(n=30) died during their hospital stay. The mean age of the group died was 62.4 years with a range of 28-90 years having 50%(n=15) males and 50%(n=15) females. Out of 30 deaths 40% (n=12) were having multiple co-morbidities like HTN, DM and IHD, 20%(n=6) were having HTN, DM and Smoking, 16.7%(n=5) with HTN and DM, 16.7%(n=5) with HTN and smoking and only 6.7%(n=2) with HTN. Of these patients, Intracerebral Hemorrhage 56.7%(n=17) and Cerebral Infarct 43.3%(n=13) were the CT scan findings. The patients reaching the hospital for more than 24 hours of symptoms onset were 62% (n=19), between 18-24 hours were 18%(n=5), between 12-18 hours were 10%(n=3), between 3-12 hours were 7%(n=2) and less than 3 hours were 3%(n=1)

Conclusion: Majority of old aged patients with multiple risk factors and arriving late to the tertiary care centre had high risk of In-Hospital mortality with Hypertension in alone as well as with other co-morbidities is the leading risk factor in stroke related deaths.

Keywords: HTN- Hypertension, IHD- Ischemic Heart Disease, DM- Diabetes Melitus, ICH- Intracerebral Hemorrhage