AKU Auditorium
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26-2-2014 12:25 PM
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Feb 26th, 12:25 PM
Feb 26th, 12:35 PM
Higher Morning Surge in Blood Pressure in a South Asian (Pakistani) Population in Healthy Normotensive Adults; A Cause of Concern
AKU Auditorium
Background: Higher morning BP surge (MBPS) might be an independent risk factor of atherosclerotic events beyond ambulatory BP and nocturnal BP falls
Objective: To determine the mean morning surge in blood pressure, frequency of increased morning surge in normotensives at a tertiary care center and to compare those who have high morning surge with those who have normal morning surge in blood pressure
Methods: Study Design and setting :It was a crossectional study conducted on adult normotensive adult healthy volunteer s at the Aga Khan University. Study population: All Adults Normotensives defined as SBP < 120 mm Hg and DBP1.5], connective tissue disorder) and Those with altered night time sleep either because of shift work or because of ABP monitoring (ABPM) were excluded.
Data Collection:Ethical approval and informed consent was taken.Notices were displayed for recruitment and data was recorded on a predesigned performa. ABP was measured with SpaceLabs 90207, a noninvasive portable oscillometric device (SpaceLabs Inc). Participants were asked to record their daily activities. The recorders were programmed to measure BP at 30-minute intervals for 24 hours. AccuTrack software was used to facilitate data summary. Morning surge was calculated as average 4 readings after waking minus lowest
night reading.Incresed morning surge was defined as >11 mm Hg in SBP or > 12 mm hg in DBP. Dipping was defined as > 10 % dipping in blood pressure
Results:A total of 82 healthy volunteers were recruited in the study. Mean (Sd) age was 36.8(11.7) years, 74.4(61) were men and 58.5(48) woke up for prayers. Overall SBP Average was 113.3(15.1) mm Hg, DBP Average was74.0(6.4) mm Hg, HR Average was 75.3(7.37)beats/minute.Mean (SD) Morning surge in SBP was17.6831(9.37 mm Hg and Morning Surge DBP mm Hg was 16.0772(7.68).Prevalence(n) of Increased Morning surge in SBP was 80.5(66), Increased Morning surge in DBP was 69.5(57), Non Dipping in SBP was 32.9(27),Non Dipping in DBP was 22(18).On making quartiles of morning surge in SBP;25th percentile was
Conclusion: Mean morning surge in SBP and DBP are higher ,with frequency of 80% and 69% in this health volunteer population. These values are higher than those reported in the literature. Normotensive(+prehypertensive) healthy adults with increased morning surge have higher prevalence of nondippers. Futher large scale studies are needed to define cutoofs in our population which is predictive of worse cardiovascular outcomes