Lecture Hall-1
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26-2-2014 12:15 PM
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Feb 26th, 12:15 PM
Feb 26th, 12:25 PM
Prevalence of Tobacco Use Among Women: A Cross-sectional Survey from a Squatter Settlement of Karachi, Pakistan
Lecture Hall-1
Prevalence of tobacco use among women: A cross sectional survey from a Squatter settlement of Karachi, Pakistan Nousheen Iqbal,Muhammad Irfan Safia Awan,Javaid Ahmed Khan Abstract Background: While the prevalence of tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) has been slowly declining in the developed countries over the past 20 years, prevalence rates have been steadily increasing in developing countries. There is a rapid increase in both use of smoking and smokeless tobacco over the decades. This has led to a rapid rise in lung diseases among women. We planned to investigate the prevalence of tobacco use among adult women in an urban squatter settlement in Karachi, Pakistan. Objective: To determine the prevalence of tobacco use (both smoking and smokeless tobacco) among women in an urban squatter settlement (Orangi Town) in Karachi, Pakistan.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on near 12,000 females of aged 15 - 80 years in Orangi Town, an urban squatter settlement in Karachi, Pakistan.The approximate population is near 2 million. Modified questionnaire, developed by WHO, was used in urdu. A total of 10,255 women responded. Results: The mean age was 37.3 ± 9.8.years and 9943 (96.95%) were married. 9143(89.2%) admitted that at least one person uses tobacco in some form in their homes. The prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among women was 79.90%. The prevalence of smoking cigarette was low as compared to smokeless tobacco and only 2001 (19.51%) women smoke cigarette. Among smokers 1927(96.30%) admitted that they have tried to quit smoking during last 12 months but failed .All smokers mentioned that they think of quitting after seeing warning on cigarette pack.99.5 % promise to quite this habit during interview.
Conclusion: Tobacco use among women in an urban squatter settlement is very high and alarming. Preventive and control measures against tobacco use are required in these communities
Keywords: tobacco, women, Prevalence, Squatter settlement