eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Workplace Learning and the Applicability of Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in Internal Medicine Ward Rounds


Executive Dining Hall

Start Date

27-2-2014 9:35 AM


Workplace provides context for learning. Collins et al. introduced “cognitive apprenticeship” as an instructional model for situated learning. Cognitive apprenticeship focuses on content, methods, sequencing and sociology as the four principle dimensions. In a study conducted by Tariq et al. (2010), on medical students and postgraduates, 55% thought the ward rounds were mainly service-oriented, only 4.5% believed teaching oriented, whereas 40% considered balanced service/teaching oriented rounds.

The cognitive apprenticeship model enhances learning in clinical practice and in the internal medicine ward rounds. There is sparse data available on application of cognitive apprenticeship model in clinical setting. We therefore would like to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive apprenticeship model in internal medicine ward rounds. Our second aim is to evaluate the impact of this model in making the ward rounds to be a balanced service/teaching activity.

Methods: The situation of learning in our study is the attending physician’s ward rounds. The type of workplace learning used in this concrete situation (internal medicine ward rounds) is a situated learning where learner learns by solving problems in an environment in which they apply their knowledge and skills.

Results & Discussion: Clinical presentation skills is learnt & taught by coaching method. In addition medical students and junior residents learn clinical presentation skills by observing their senior residents. Scaffolding also plays a significant role. The teacher supports the trainees and gradually reduces the support as the student/resident become more competent. Moreover, increasing complexity & diversity of cases as the trainee become more senior especially with respect to residency, improves the clinical problem solving ability.

Conclusion: With the above analysis we have observed the practicality of cognitive apprenticeship model in ward rounds. The balance between teaching & service can be achieved by applying apprenticeship model. We therefore propose the use of this model in clinical practice in order to maximize the benefits to the students/ residents. Further research is needed to evaluate the usefulness of this model.


Feb 27th, 9:35 AM Feb 27th, 9:45 AM

Workplace Learning and the Applicability of Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in Internal Medicine Ward Rounds

Executive Dining Hall