eCommons@AKU - AKU Symposium: Association between Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity Among School-Going Children (5-16 years of age) in Karachi, Pakistan


Lecture Hall-3

Start Date

26-2-2014 4:40 PM


Background: Overweight and obesity in children are major risk factors for adult obesity, associated chronic diseases, and premature deaths worldwide. Effects of rapid globalization in the developing countries have resulted in profound implications for poorly resourced countries like Pakistan. where the rate of overweight and obesity among children is on rapid rise. A substantial body of evidences has suggested breast feeding, as being protective against childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association between breast feeding and childhood obesity in school going children (5-16 years of age) in Karachi, Pakistan.

Methodology: A matched-case control study was conducted during April 2012 to July 2012.In this study, 528 school going children, aged 5-14 years of age (132 cases and 396 controls) matched on age and gender, were recruited from public and private schools. Data was collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire on socio-demographic profile, and lifestyle domains (dietary patterns, physical activity, sedentarism, and breast feeding) from children and their mothers at the schools. BMI was calculated using the Centre of Disease Control growth charts. Analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 19.0), and Statistical Analysis System (SAS version 9.2).

Findings: Conditional logistic regression results showed that history of not exclusively breast fed [mORadj= 5.5; 95% CI (2.3-12.9)], exclusively breast fed for < than 3 months [mORadj= 4, 95% CI (2.0-7.8)], and exclusively breast fed for 4-5 months in school going children was [mORadj= 2.6; 95% CI (1.5-4.7)] as compared to exclusively breast feeding for optimal period of 6 months was associated with a higher obesity risk. However, in this study moderate activity [mORadj=0.5; 95% CI (0.3-0.8)], as well as lower extent of participation [mORadj=0.3; 95% CI (0.15-0.7)] in moderate to vigorous physical activity was protective against childhood obesity.

Conclusion: Longer duration of exclusive breast feeding have a protective effect against childhood obesity in a dose-response manner. In Pakistan, future longitudinal studies are urged to confirm this association because of its implications for public health. Further studies are also needed to better understand the independent link between physical activity and sedentarism in children.


Feb 26th, 4:40 PM Feb 26th, 4:50 PM

Association between Breast Feeding and Childhood Obesity Among School-Going Children (5-16 years of age) in Karachi, Pakistan

Lecture Hall-3