Executive Dining Hall
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26-2-2014 4:50 PM
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Feb 26th, 4:50 PM
Feb 26th, 5:00 PM
Modifiable Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases and other Non-Communicable Diseases Among Urban Dwellers - a Community Based Survey at Karachi, Pakistan
Executive Dining Hall
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of modifiable risk factors impacting cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases in a community of Karachi.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey of a community dwelling people of 15 - 69 years was conducted at Karachi. By using stratified random sampling 2006 subjects were included. The study instrument adopted from WHO-STEPS Methodology was administered after customization and pre-testing through trained interviewers. Anthropometric measurements and blood pressure were obtained in a standardized manner. Data has been analyzed using SPSS 11.5 following validation of double data entry in EpiData 3.1.
Results:Mean age (SD) for male was 38.4 + 14.7 and for female was 38.0 + 14.4 years with the almost equal participation. Prevalence of obesity was 12% and 24% in men and women respectively whereas estimate of prevalence of
overweight (BMI > 23 Kg/m2) was 64%. Mean BMI (SD) for male was 24.6 + 5.7 and for female was 26.3 + 8.5. Central obesity observed 56% in study population. Mean central obesity (SD) was 0.83 + 0.7 and 0.92 + 0.7 in male and female respectively. Study population around 54% was physically inactive. 96.4% male & 96.5% female were not consuming the recommended servings of fruits & vegetables. Less than 5% population reported additional salt intake. Reported known cases of hypertension were 17% whereas 8% of new cases were found with high blood pressure. Only 4% reported as current smokers whereas very few reported current snuffing and consuming alcohol.
Conclusion: This study has highlighted that the prevalence and level of modifiable risks for non-communicable diseases especially cardiovascular diseases and diabetes is high in urban population of Pakistan like other countries of South Asia.